So, I was going through my files and stumbled across this list. Since many of us are looking for a more prosperous fresh start in 2011, I thought perhaps others can benefit from it, too. I believe it was a team effort of the old Disorderly Witches who originally compiled the beginnings of this list, and it got added to over the years. As always, if you use these herbs, keep your health & safety in mind - ingest only herbs that you are sure are safe, keep candles in a safe place & don't leave fire unattended.
Prosperity, Abundance, Success & Wealth correspondences
Colors: Green, Gold, Silver
Day of the week: Thursday, Sunday
Element: Earth
Goddesses: Aje, Aida-Wedo, Amberella, Anu, Ashiakle, Benton, Bona Dea, Chichinguane, Copia, Fulla, Dzivaguru, Gonzuole, Ganga. Gollveig, Habondia, Hada-Bai, Jacebed, Kamadhenu, Kuan-Yin, Kumu, Lakshmi, Lan Ts'ai-Ho, Liberalitas, Louhi, Maruwa, Mbombe, Mokosh, Mutyalamma, Msomeka, Ops, Sarah, Selekana, Surabhi, Wanne, Thekla, Yaparamma
Stones: Amazonite, Ametrine, Andalusite (Chiastolite), Aventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Cat's Eye, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Coal, Emerald, Garnet, Jade, Jet, Lepidolite, Malachite, Marble, Mother-of-Pearl, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Smoky Quartz, Spinel, Stauroite, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Zircon (brown, red, or green).
Foods: Abundance & Fertility: Apples, Bananas, Barbequed Foods, Basil, Beef, Berries, Cabbage, Carrots, Coconut, Corn, Figs, Fish, Grapes, Honey, Kiwi, Lettuce, Milk, Mustard, Oats, Olives, Oranges, Peaches, Pork, Rice, Tropical Fruit, Walnuts.
Prosperity Foods: Alfalfa, Allspice, Almonds, Bananas, Barley, Basil, Beans, Berries, Cabbage, Cashews, Chamomile, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dill, Eggs, Figs, Ginger, Grapes, Lettuce, Maple Syrup, Marjoram, Milk, Mint, Oats, Onions, Oranges, Parsley, Peanuts, Pears, Peas, Pecans, Pine-Nuts, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Rice, Sesame Seeds, Spinach, Tea, Tomatoes, Wheat.
Prosperity Herbs
Alfalfa -- prosperity and $
Allspice -- burned as incense to attract $ or luck and added to sim. Mixtures.
Almond -- kernels, wood, or leaves used in prosperity & $ spells. Climbing an almond tree said to ensure success in business ventures.
Almond Oil - in Prosperity rites and $ incense
Aloe -- aloe trimmed garlic wreaths hung in home in Mexico for luck and money.
Ash -- burn ash wood at Yule for prosperity
Banana -- leaves, flowers and fruits of banana used in prosperity $$$ spells
Bayberry - prosperity in the home “luck to your home and gold to your pocket”.
Benzoin -- cinnamon and basil – burn to attract customers
Bistort -- for $ attracting sachets and added to wealth & $$ incenses
Black Snakeroot – carried to attract money
Blackberry -- leaves and berries used in wealth spells
Bladderwrack (Kelp) – scrub floors and doors of business with infusion to attract customers and bring good vibes into store. Also, in money spells. Fill small jar with whiskey, add kelp, cap tightly and place in kitchen window. Ensures steady flow of money into the household.
Blue Flag -- carry root for financial gain. Also, root in register to increase business
Bluebell -- luck
Briony root-- $ near a root will increase as long as it remains there
Bromeliad -- protection/money
Buckwheat -- ground and in circles while working magic. Add to money incenses and keep some in kitchen to avoid poverty.
Calamus -- root in kitchen corners protects against poverty
Camelia -- riches and luxuries. Blossoms for prosp/$$ rituals
Cascara Sagrade – money spells --- also sprinkle infusion around home before going to any court proceeding. It will help you win your case.
Cashew -- prosperity & money
Cedar -- in wallet draws money ----in incenses
Chamomile – to draw money
Chamomile -- to attract money. Infusion as hand wash by gamblers to insure winning
Chicory -- promotes frugality
Cinnamon and Cinquefoil – for money, love, health, power and wisdom. To increase riches: Cinq, cloves, lemon balm, and whole vanilla bean or tonka bean
Clove -- burned, attracts riches, and to stop others from gossiping about you
Clover -- leads wearer to money or treasures (5-leaved)
Comfrey -- in suitcases on travels prevents theft. Used in $$ spells
Devil’s shoestring – carry when asking for a raise
Dill -- money spells
Elder -- prosperity, grown near home bring it
Fenugreek -- add few fenugreek seed to mop water (or small amount of infusion). Half-fill small jar w/F and leave open in house to attract money. Add few seeds each day till full. Empty jar & return seeds to ground. Begin again.
Fern -- guides to treasures
Fir Wand - Used for prosperity rites
Flex -- Seeds used in $ spells; in shoe protects against poverty; seeds in wallet, pocket, or purse.
Fumitory -- infusion around home or rubbed on shoes weekly draws $$
Galangel -- in leather sachet with silver draws $$
Garlic -- anti-theft
Ginger -- roots planted or powder sprinkled in pockets/money draws $ success spells
Goldenrod-- flower dowses for lost objects or treasures. Grows suddenly near door, good fortune. Money spells
Goldenseal -- money spells
Gorse -- money spells; attracts gold
Grains of Paradise __ in $/luck sachets
Grape -- money spells
High John the Conqueror – anoint root with mint oil and tie in green or purple bag to attract $$$. As oil for anointing.
Honesty (money plant) seedpods resemble silver coins. Place one beneath green candle, burn down to socket or place in purse or pocket to draw $$
Honeysuckle –Ring green candles with H to draw $$, or in vase in house. If grows near house – good fortune
Horse Chestnut – Wrap $1 bill around buckey, place in sachet. Carry to attract $$. Also, for success in all things.
Hyssop - to increase finances
Irish Moss -- beneath rugs to increase luck/ensure steady flow of $ into house and pockets. Stuff luck/money poppets.
Jasmine -- flowers will draw wealth and money if carried, burned or worn.
Juniper -- anti-theft
Kava-kava -- luck
Lucky hand -- sachets and conjure bags for luck/success. Soak in rose oil. Remove and wear in pocket, wallet or purse for $$
Lunaria - otherwise known as money plant. Seed pods look like coins. Through sympathetic magick & the law of attraction, this herb is said to draw money to the person who carries it or grows it.
Mandrake -- whole root on mantel – protect/prosperity. Money (esp. silver) beside Mandrake said to double.
Maple -- money rituals
May Apple -- (Belladona) money
Mint - prosperity spells to increase business. Leaves and scent in money spells. Leaves in wallet or purse where money is kept.
Moonwort-- (money spells.) in box or bag produces silver.
Moss -- carrying graveyard moss in pocket ensures financial luck
Myrtle -- money spells
Nutmeg -- money spells – ground and sprinkled on green candies
Oak -- Plant acorn in dark of moon to ensure receiving $$ in near future
Oats -- prosp/$$ spells
Onion -- burn onion peel or skins to attract riches
Orange -- added to prosperity powders, incenses
Oregon Grape- draw $$ and financial security
Patchouli -- $/prosp. Spells. Sprinkle onto $$, add to purse, wallet and around base of green candles
Pea -- shelling brings fortune and profit in business. Dried peas used in money mixtures
Pecan -- $/prosp. Spells
Peony - for customers, success in bus. Good fortune
Periwinkle -- attract money
Pine -- money spells
Pineapple -- dried peel or flesh added to money mixtures
Pipsissewa -- carry to attract money
Pomegranate –branch dowses for concealed wealth, attracts money to possessor, dried skin added to wealth and money incenses.
Poplar -- buds and leaves carried to attract money, add to $4 incense
Poppy -- carry dried seedpod or seeds as prosperity amulets
Poppy -- eaten or carried to attract luck and money
Prosperity incense = parts clove, nutmeg, lemon balm, cedar, poppy seed. Moisten with few drops of honeysuckle oil, almond oil – on Thurs. in waxing moon.
Rattlesnake root – infusion rubbed onto hands or feet to lead the anointer to money
Rice -- added to money spells
Rowan -- used in power, luck and success sachets
Sarsaparilla-- mixed with cinnamon/sandalwood powder and sprinkled around premises to draw money
Sassafras -- in purse or wallet to draw money. Also in incense
Sesame -- jar of seeds left open in house draws cash to it. Change the seeds every month
Snakeroot -- good luck talisman. Leads bearer to money.
Squill -- (sea onion) in jar or box/add silver coins
Star anise -- luck
Straw -- luck
Strawberry -- luck
Success incense – cinnamon/benzoin in equal parts/ success in business
Sumbul -- worn for luck
Sweet Basil – to attract business and money
Tea -- (black tea, china tea) burn leaves to ensure future riches. Add to $$ mixtures and sachets
Tomato -- on mantle to bring prosperity to home
Tonka -- beans – worn/carried to attract money, bring luck
Trillium -- attracts money and luck
Tulip -- guard against poverty
Vervain - assists in obtaining material objects and stimulate creativity especially success in performing and creative arts. Bury in fields to increase crops.... money & prosp. Spells; wealth buried in garden or placed in the house, wealth will flow and plants will thrive
Vetivert -- money spells and mixtures. In register to increase business. Carry for luck; burn for anti-theft
Violet -- bring change in luck and fortune
Wheat -- Wheat in home or in sachets to attract money
Winter’s bark -- carry/burn for success
Wood rose -- carry for luck and fortune; in home to ensure luck.
Yellow Dock -- $$$ spells/incenses, infusion sprinkled about business attracts customers
Cunningham's Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
about.com, http://www.adamastarfirereiki.com/prosperity_herbs.htm, Goddesses And Heroines by Patrocia Monaghan, Bubble, Bubble, Toil & Trouble, by Patricia Telesco