Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Jewelry and spoons at Sacred Paths Center!

Some new jewelry designs and Pyrography Spoon designs are now in at Sacred Paths Center in St. Paul.

I recently bought some very nice candles there. I wanted more... but started with two - the blue has a very nice soft scent. I believe it was "hope." In this economy, we all need that! I also bought the "money" one. Usually, I prefer abundance, wealth or propserity... but maybe I'm becoming more honest with myself. I need money! LOL!

They have some awesome stones and new multimedia artwork in festive colors. Love it!!! If you can visit, please do - they have some new staff there, and are working very hard to make Sacred Paths the meeting center for alternative paths that this city really needs. It is an open, loving space with great new and used items - which really appeals to the recycler in me. I'm not gonna tell you about the item that I have my eye on... cuz I don't want anyone to buy it.

Other recent developments... my washer went on the fritz. El hubbo tried to fix it, and it worked for a week. Then blew a fuse. When we replaced the fuse & restarted it, it got that funny burning electronics smell. So.... Shopping on all the appliance sites. I think I found one. Will have to drive up to Rogers to get it... but... should only cost me a little time & some beer with the neighbor - totally not a hardship!

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