Friday, August 21, 2009

Fabulous Friday!!!!

It's a whirlwind, and I'm not complaining! Loving every minute of it, and then some!!!

Starting yesterday, I was notified that one of my necklaces - a very whimsical Candycorn with glow-in-the-dark sculpted beads and jasper - would be featured in an Etsy Treasury. Treasuries are picked by fellow artisans, so I feel very honored to be in one.

Then, late last night, a Pagan friend notified me that so many items had sold off her treasury, that another necklace of mine, Swingy Autumn Leaves, moved into an open spot. So, I'm in two treasuries! Yay!

So... I was having a conversation with one of the makers of the treasuries about how to snag one... and her instructions were so good, I ended up making one of my own!

Check it out:
Feeling Like Fall

I engaged in a little shameless self-promotion, so I put one of my items in there, as well. I'm now in 3 treasuries! Woot!

And... almost a month ago, I'd booked a spot on a necklace showcase on Etsy for today, 8-21-09:
Jewelry-necklace showcase:
go to Jewelry- necklace in the dropdown list on the right.

And... Lest anyone think all I do is think about jewelry - I've learned to play Vampire Wars on Facebook! LOL! Too fun... I need a bigger clan, tho. Lily Gardener in Minneapolis on Facebook. When I figure out my direct link, I'll post it - friend me! Thanks!

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